The Pomodoro Technique

Is there ever enough time in the day? Did you know that it is theorized that most productivity and effective work is done in 2 hours of an 8-hour work day? I know that I always end at least a couple days a week wishing I could be more productive. Assuming we all fill this way, today I am sharing the productivity hack Pomodoro Technique, developed in the 80’s, that is proven to increase effectiveness.

What is the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique was named after the tomato-shaped timer creator Francesco Cirillo used. The strategy is consists of setting a timer and hyper focusing on a chosen task uninterrupted for 25 minute intervals. Between intervals, 5 minute breaks are used to clear the mind and refocus.

It is not permitted to “work a little longer” during breaks. This allows 2 slots of focus per hour. They are not supposed to be the same task. After 2 hours and 4 focus periods, a 15-30 minute break is advised. Then, one is to repeat the entire 4-shift cycle.

I am a multi-tasker and tend to get distracted with new tasks and emails always popping up. These short spurts encourage your brain to concentrate and expand your attentions span on one task. In addition, I am able to get in a quick walk around the office during breaks. In addition to getting my blood pumping, it helps me hit my step daily goal. The 5 minute breaks increase creativity and help you find a moment to de-stress.

How I Manage My Time with My Time Cube

Finally, I keep THIS timer cube at my desk to help me keep up with the intervals, but there are also apps available specifically made for this technique. It offers a 20 and 5 minute timer that I combine. I prefer to know when I have 5 minutes so I can complete my train of thought. When an interruption occurs during the pomorrillo (25-minute time slots), one must ignore them and stay completely focused on the task at hand. This technique produces highly successful patterns of productivity.

Due to repetition, the pomodoro technique becomes a habit. Habits consist of a cue, a routine, and reward. The timer is the cue. The reward is a 5 minute break. As a result, productive work becomes the habit or routine.



If you have an up upcoming deadline, give this technique a try and let me know how you like it! Have a beautiful day!

With Joy,

