How to Get Into the Fall Spirit when it’s Still Hot out

Happy Afternoon! My how this year has flown! I can hardly comprehend that summer is over. As a result, it hardly feels like fall. Today I want to share a few ways to get into the fall spirit before the weather catches up with time and it is still hot out.


Buy or upgrade your booties! I own over 10 pairs of booties, but I’ve never met a bootie I have not worn out. This is a guilt-free and easy way to get into the fall mood. Go for bright colors or a Western twist this year. White and nude colors are all the rage. Then, pair nude sock boots with your favorite dress for a quick, dressy, put-together, transitional outfit.

Get out the décor. Break out the pumpkins! If you are looking for a new idea this fall, spray paint your ceramic pumpkins matte black. I have seen matte-black pumpkins in every home magazine centerpiece I have read thus far. I’m telling you, this is a thing.

Buy a hat. A floppy, felt hat is exactly what you need to get into the change of seasons and update your wardrobe. It pulls any outfit together. A hat investment does not kill your wallet (try Brixton, Treasure & Bond, or even Forever 21). Additionally, floppy hats never go out of style.

Go apple picking. Seriously, the honey crisps are almost out of season already!

Start your holiday shopping. I only like to buy friends and family items that they will cherish. Money is boring, but I would rather gift it than ‘knick-knack’ gifts. I would also rather buy them gifts every other year if it allows me to buy items that are more meaningful. Finally, if you start this early in the year, you are more likely to catch things on sale!

Darken your hair. This requires a little more commitment. I actually asked for a  bright, summery red in late August, but my hair dresser had other plans. Turns out I ended up LOVING my darker, pink-hued chestnut color. This will definitely get you ready for fall.

Enjoy the cooler breezes with dusk walks. The afternoons are still blazing hot, but the ever-so faint coolness of evening has finally encroached my town of Greenville, SC. Go on late night walks and feel the crisp air sneaking its way into town.

Read a new motivational book to get you thinking about the next quarter. One of my all-time favorites is BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert. I also love The Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Finally, create a fall to-do list or a goals list for the fourth quarter if you are feeling up to the challenge.


Finally, I hope you are ready for fall as it is here whether we like it or not! We may as well embrace the season since we cannot escape time. Comment below if you have other ideas that get you in the mood for fall!

With Joy,

